Sunday, March 23, 2008

Peek-thrus of the week

The bench gave a very good message. Cheer up =D!

Freaking eye bags. why not call it eye backpackers!

I like the floor smudging effect

& of course this sweetheart Mr. Chew who is always willing to be my model of random nonchalant-ness. Seriously, I gotta brush up my photography works.

I was a bit flabbergasted upon looking at the scene outside LV outlet. It's became the favourite place of obasans & otosans gatherings. & I was passing by some snorty looking gfs with pathetic looking bfs who was going to burn a hole in their pockets soon. >.<

I wish we can always wear unexpectedly matching outfits. Like black & white is uber nice!

Prawn Rice & I. Our favourite pastime is to snuggle together & get down to the Z business.

With all sorts of gestures& sounds of course. She growls. I snore hahaha!

Bro Zen & his drum before heading to KL for performance =)

& I missed all the fun-lovingness...